Merry (belated)Christmas! I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday :) Mine was quite nice. *cue flash back blurp* I played board games (Clue and Monopoly) with my cousins and my brother. We had a huge Christmas lunch. Christmas in my family means lots of Asian food and a hint of American food. My cousin made some super yummy potatoes that were TO DIE FOR. I actually want some now just thinking about it!
This is me and my brother on Christmas morning! We had to wait forever to rip into our presents because my mom wanted to take photos. The onesie I'm wearing is from target and honestly, it is like the best thing ever! It's so comfy and amazing. I love it!
I am in no way bragging about my presents, I just wanted to share what I got!
I got some really lovely gifts from friends and family.
I'm not gonna go into detail about each one but my favorite has to be the rayban sunglasses!
I can't believe my brother got it for me! I made a post earlier on about not wanting to splurge on expensive things, but this is honestly such an amazing gift! I'm definitely going to take good care of it!
Well anyways, I hope ya'll had a good holiday!
Until next time! x