Friday, August 21, 2015

Missing the obvious

Traveling can be extremely daunting especially if you're traveling alone or going somewhere new for the first time! I've been traveling a lot this summer (new posts coming soon!) and I realized that I've missed A LOT of the obvious travel tips that people don't normally share and I thought that probably majority of us have miss this too! I've separated this according to the travel styles I experienced this summer. 

Airport / Airplane

1. Don't put your charger in your checked in baggage! 
You'll definitely regret this especially if you have your boarding pass on your smartphone. You won't realize how quickly your phone dies until you're almost dead. You'll be trying to pass time by being on your phone and before you know it, you're down to 30%. Always bring a charger with you in your personal bag or carry-on! 

2. Bring snacks 
This feels like a no brainer- but honestly, we forget most of the time. You don't want to spend $6 getting a protein bar and some chips at the airport. Trust me. It's not worth it. Bring your own snacks and save yourself a few bucks. Also they're super handy during 3-5 hour flights. 

3. Have a pair of headphones
A lot of airlines have entertainment on their planes but they don't always provide you with headphones. Be sure to bring your own so you can enjoy what they have to offer! 

4. Do not overpack your carry-on 
If you're a girl, DO NOT overpack your carry on luggage. It's a total hassle to shove it in the compartment above your head. If you overpack, it's extremely heavy and annoying to lug around. Travel lightly! You don't want to bother other people to help you lift it! For some reason, people in airplanes are super cranky. 

5. Have your ID and Boarding pass in hand
Have your ID and boarding pass out while checking in your luggage and for TSA. It's a trivial tip but it's important. You don't want to stand there awkwardly digging into your bag for it. Save yourself time and have it ready. 

6. TSA
Make sure you're wearing shoes that are easy to slip on and off. This will help make your experience much faster. You can wear tennis shoes.. but make sure the laces are loose enough to slip offAlso, try avoid wearing anything with metal! 

7. Find your gate, then do your business 
There are a million different gates and signs at the airport. It can be super confusing so make sure you find your gate number before you head off to the restroom or snack bar. 

8. Figure out how you're going to get there and who is picking you up. 
Don't wait last minute to find someone to give you a ride to the airport. A lot of flights are during the weekdays and many people have work. Plan ahead! Also figure out what you're going to do when you land. Is someone picking you up? Download Lyft and Uber as a backup just in case if your ride backs out. 

9. Be sure to check in! 
A lot of airlines let you check in by mobile phones now. Be sure to check your email 24hours before your flight! 

10. Print your boarding pass!
Nowadays, you can put your boarding pass on your smartphone but it's always good to have a backup. My phone was being super weird and glitchy right when I got to the airport and believe me.. I panicked! So I definitely recommend printing! 

Car Rides / Road Trips

1.  Bring a pillow! 
You'll be snoozing a lot during the ride so be sure to have something comfy to lean on! 

2.  Wear socks
We all know you're going to take off your shoes so keep them toes warm with some comfy socks! 

3. Bring snacks 
It'll be a while till you actually stop for gas so stock up on snacks to cure your hunger on the road.. my favorite is a tube of pringles! 

4. Have car games ready
You'll be in the car for a long time and most likely you won't get reception or your battery will die on your cellphone so play some fun games with your car mates! One game I played with my friends is "entertainment" (I couldn't remember the name so I renamed it :P ) How you play is one person names an Actor and the next person has to say a movie/show they were in- then the next person has to name someone else from that movie and the next person has to name a movie they were in. It gets fun! 

5. Download a podcast or playlist. 
Most likely you won't get reception so have something that's already on your phone. Podcasts are fun to listen to! I've been listening to the Nerdist podcast. They have a lot of celebrities and musicians that come on the podcast and it's pretty much candid. You get to hear them in a super casual environment and it makes them seem more down to earth. 

And.. That's all the tips I can think of now! If I missed any, feel free to comment below! 

Until next time 

1 comment:

  1. That's literally so much too think of! I'm glad i mostly travel by car. Actually i'm at Danmark at the moment, what a beautiful country you have here. x
