Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Get to know me - tag you're it!

So, here's a little something different! Hopefully we can all be friends and get to know each other more. Now, ain't nobody got time and the attention span to read through 100 questions. I'm just going to do 25. Maybe I'll do more in the future! 
Do you have a middle name?
Yes. Super embarrassing but it's my chinese name! 
What was your favorite subject in school?
NONE! Who likes school? j/k I did really enjoy history! 

What's your favorite drink?
Coffee. Anything with coffee. Yes. 

What's your favorite song at the moment?
Yule shoot your eye out- Fall Out Boy. It's the holiday season! 

What would you name your children?
Girl: Cassandra (Cassie for short) 
Boy: Grayson 

Do you participate in any sports?
Not now, but I did run cross country and track for about 6 years 

What's your favorite book?
Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire 

What's your favorite color?

What's your favorite animal?
I had a cow loving phase. Now I'm all about that Red Panda life. 

What's your favorite perfume?
Daisy by Marc Jacobs - the pink one! 

What's your favorite holiday?
Definitely Christmas! Halloween is a close second 

Have you graduated from High School?

Have you been out of the country?
Yes! I went to London and Paris about two years ago. I miss it so much! 

Do you speak any other languages? 
Indeed I do! I speak Cantonese 

Do you have any siblings? 
An evil big brother. Just kidding! Love him to pieces (but I'll never admit that to him) 

What's your favorite store?
I'd be a fool if I didn't say Target! It HAS EVERYTHING! 

Whats your favorite restaurant?
I don't have one! There's too many that I like! Anything with noodles is good

Do you like school?
Hate it with the passion of a thousand suns. What's the point! I feel like all I've learned in school is how to google, procrastinate and bullshit my work. (excuse my language) 

Who are some of your favorite YouTubers?
There's so many! First off, I LOVE the Michalaks!(Hannah Maggs). I also love my british gang, Marcus Butler, Niomi Smart, Jim Chapman, Zoe Sugg, and Joe Sugg. I also LOVE Claire Marshall! 

What are some of your favorite TV shows?
Game of Thrones. Supernatural. The Walking Dead. Skins UK. New Girl + A MILLION MORE! 

PC or MAC?
Mac. Sorry not sorry. Easier to use 

What phone do you have?
Can you tell? IPhone

How tall are you?
5'3 but really 5'3 1/2! The half totally counts. 

Any pets? 
Nope.... unfortunately they always die on me :( 

If you've made it this far, seriously props to you! I got tired myself! I now tag YOU to answer your favorite question! 
Until next time

1 comment:

  1. Ooooooh coffee is my favorite too! :D

