Sunday, December 7, 2014

My favorite music

I was rewatching Skin Uk (btw, favorite UK show ever) and a particular scene jumped and grabbed me. It wasn't what was happening in the show, but it was a shot of Franky from gen 3 staring out a car window. It was right then when music played- but it isn't your regular type of sound.

It had an eerie quality about it. It felt like you couldn't hear the music, but you do. I don't know how to describe it correctly but I just absolutely love it. It's the type of music that really grabs you by the heart and moves you even though there's not much to it.

I know it only plays for like 10 seconds. But it's a good 10 seconds. Beautiful music doesn't have to be played long.

Much love to the eerie unexplainable beautiful music. <3

I linked the video below.

It starts at 14:31 


  1. Love!!! I'm off to watch! Would you like to follow each other on GFC?! Let me know and follow me on my blog, I will follow you right back on both GFC and Bloglovin!

    1. Hello Annie! What is GFC? I would love to follow you back! :)
