Monday, July 21, 2014

A change.. and jelly arms!

So today, I did something different. My cousin Lily (pictured above) joined a 6-week challenge to lose 20+ pounds and I decided to join her in her first work out! Now, I'm not doing the challenge cause to be in it you have to lose at least 20 pounds! If I lose that, I might die. My other cousin Daniel (Lily's brother) actually completed and finished the 6 week challenge a week or two ago and in total lost 35 pounds! I'm super lazy and my runner days are totally over but working out with them kinda made me wanna jump on the healthy train! 

NOW. I'm not gonna go balls deep into this like total health nut status but I am starting to think differently. I definitely want to start drinking more water. I felt pretty dehydrated during the work out. I don't want to rule out delicious food, but I will start taking it in moderation! I mean little things will eventually add up, or so I believe so anyway. Today we did upper body and man. My arms feel like jelly. I haven't worked out IN A LONG TIME. This totally kicked my ass. Some of it was really fun like the rowing machines but the arm/planks are a no-no! I'm starting to feel a bit sore.. that means it's working right?! I'm joining them again tomorrow for the lower-body workout.. we shall see how that plays out! 

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